• 5 520 133 foreigners for 47 059 533 Spanish

    My third article is about immigration in Spain and more especially about the declaration that France, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Malta and Spain sign the 16th of April in Alicante.

    In fact, Spain and the countries of the Southern Europe have to handle a migratory crisis which takes more scale from day to day. The document will be a base for a discussion between the European heads of State in the request of Spain which knows strong waves of emigration from Ceuta and Melilla.

    All this can be explained by the fact that Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sub-Saharan Africa and South America were old Spanish colonies. It’s the reason why the countries are attached to Spain and their culture are related with it.

    5 520 133 foreigners for 47 059 533 Spanish

    Furthermore, the majority of these countries are developing and know strong unemployment rates for example 8, 8 % in Morocco and 10, 3 % in Algeria. Also, 16 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa are victims of food crisis created by drought and civil wars.

    So motivated by their poverty, their unemployment and their situation in their respective countries, hundreds of people risks every day their lives to leave their native country and to begin a new life in Spain but also in all the Southern Europe where the countries are more developed.

    5 520 133 foreigners for 47 059 533 Spanish

    In the context of economic crisis in which Spain is, it becomes harder and harder for the country to manage the numerous illegal immigrations given that Spain is the closest to the Moroccan border and is also considered as a country of transit.


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